About Us
As one of the leading companies of Turkey, over 30 years of experience in high quality andvariety in energeti cand healthy products which appealtoanyage of millions in 80 countries in the World , Saray holding , following the same vision, builtup the MİLKMAN Milk and Dairy Products Company. In order to meet the fast grow ing demand on the dairy products ,the found ations of the premises werelaid in 2010 in Karaman with target of production in global standarts, in the year of 2012 , 6500 sqmeters of indoorand in total 46 000 sqmeters of are a started the production.
Alt ough it has been a short while, with a dynamic structure, customer satis faction princip leand the experience in export, the company managed to reach to a vast global market.
To create value for our customer, to back ou rproducts , to meet the expectations with high quality and uniformityand to stand by our customers after sales is our first dutyand target.
Our vision as Milkman is to grow along with our employees and suppliers and provide a good service to our customers and consumers in high standarts and modern quality.
Milkman ad opts the valuesof consumer priority all the time, following the latest technology both in production and in R&D of productand has an open vision to in novations. It Provides high quality products through close lychasing the changing and growing market demands..
The concept of production in Milkman is the sensitivity in high quality always comes first and is based on 100 % customers at is faction. And to achieve this , globally approved training systems regularly given to our specially selected employe esand in return positive and pleasantre sultsareob served.
Our factory has a 300 tons of dairy processing capacity perdayand milk, as the raw material, is delivered from the nominated farms meticulously. On the other hand we encourage our suppliers for higher quality and quantity and hencecon siderable economic contributions are provided to the suppliers.This manner of mutual satisfaction naturally contributes to director in directly to employement.
The rawmaterial in Milkman before going in to process , gothrough physical, chemical and microbiological tests in our advanced laboratories. Our experienced and well trained staffuse the world’s most advanced equipment and machinery for production from the first step of rawmaterial purchas in gtothe final step of delivery , through out all operations very cautiously. Our products , as either with ownlabel or customer’s, reach to national to international chainstores in a World wide distributionchannells safely. Every product is an out come of same quality standarts.
We believe that in food sector that we are in volved in, to be aware of high quality concept and to at tain the food safety and hygiene is a must for the success and that is the principle we follow in Milkman. We are also happy to serve our customers with certifica test hatprove our quality of ISO 22000.2005, ISO 9001.2008 and Helal Food certificates.